Tuesday, 26 November 2024
Agatha Christie’s “The Mysterious Affair at Styles”
Friday, 15 November 2024
“The Inmate” by Freida McFadden
The novel starts off with this interesting premise and travels back and forth in the timeline with non-linear narration. The twists keep coming every now and then, but the novel is tad too predictable for the most part. The novel solely rests on the mystery of that one incident which the author somehow manages to keep it under wraps until the very end. But, the unravelling of mystery is not set up in stages. The twist at the end throws us off guard but doesn’t settle well mainly because there is no strong backstory or establishment anywhere in the novel to justify it.
With a weak protagonist who is dumb more than naive, a wafer thin suspense and a force fitted climax, this novel doesn’t hit the right chord!
Wednesday, 6 November 2024
"சுபா"வின் "இரவோடு இரவாக"
Saturday, 2 November 2024
“Rage of Angels” by Sidney Sheldon
விட்டல் ராவின் "வண்ண முகங்கள்"
விட்டல் ராவின் "வண்ண முகங்கள்" நாடகத் தொழிலாளர்களின் வாழ்க்கையை பற்றிய நாவல். ஒரு நாடக கம்பெனியின் வீழ்ச்சியையும், அதை மீட்டெடுக்க...

What has changed in my conversations from 8 years back to now? What has changed in Tamizh Cinema from 8 years back to now? These questio...
It was a time when women in India were confined to the households by virtue of inveterate age old beliefs. It was a time when the caste syst...
அறிஞர் அண்ணாவின் நாடகங்களில் ஒன்றான "நீதிதேவன் மயக்கம்" இராமாயண காவியத்தில் "இராவணன் ஒரு இரக்கமற்ற அரக்கன்" என்ற கம்பரின...