Monday 10 October 2022

"The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides

"The Silent Patient" is a psychological thriller which revolves around a woman Alicia who remains silent after being accused of murdering her husband. Her silence is unperturbed even when declared guilty by the court of law for her husband's murder. With her state of mind, the court sends her to therapy but she chooses to remain silent throughout the psychological treatment. Theo, a psychotherapist is bent upon breaking her silence and uncovering the mystery behind her silence. 

With each central character having a bad past or a disturbed childhood, the novel takes more time establishing them. The non-linear narrative builds up the suspense and propels the novel to a satisfying end.

The analogy to Greek tragedy "Alcestis" fits the storyline perfectly and the events that unfold towards the climax justify the same. 

Though the novel picks up pace midway with interesting turn of events, there are happenings which are added to increase the mystery quotient but do not get a proper closure. 

A decent thriller with its own share of shortcomings!

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